My Publications

Waiting for the Revolution to End: Syrian Displacement, Time, Subjectivity. London: UCL Press, 2023

Revolution beyond the Event: the afterlives of radical politics. Co-edited with Ansari, N. Lamrani, M. Uzel, K. London: UCL Press 2023


2024 Present/absent futures: waiting in the aftermath of a defeated revolution, History and Anthropology.

2023 Introduction: Layers of Spatial Rupture among Syrians in Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Syria, co-author Birgitte Stampe Holst, Conflict and Society, 9 (1)

2023 Rescaling hospitality: everyday displacement at the Syrian-Turkish border, American Ethnologist, 50 (2). 

2023 Penser la révolution syrienne par-delà sa défaite. Lexique de la révolution et de la guerre en Syrie. 

2022 Martyrdom and Destiny in Time of Revolution: Urgent Actions and Imminent Endings in Syria. Social Anthropology/ Anthropologie Sociale, 30 (4) 2022

2022 Towards an Anthropology of Defeat: Rethinking the Aftermath of the Syrian Revolution Condition humaine/ conditions politiques, 4

2021 Halaqas, relational subjects and revolutionary committees in Syria, Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 91, 50-66. [Part of Special Section ‘Revolutionary Circles : A morphology of radical politics.’].



2023 Displaced Conflict. Investigating the Reconfiguration of Politics among Syrian Refugees in the Aftermath of the 2011 Uprising, Conflict and Society, edited with Stampe Holst, B.

2021 Revolutionary Circles : A morphology of radical politics, edited with David Cooper, Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology.



2020 ‘Navigating Ambiguous State Policies And Legal Statuses: Everyday Life And Future-Oriented Decisions Among Syrians In Southern Turkey’, in Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E. Refuge in a Moving World. London: UCL Press.

In Press

Forth. 2023 ‘Revolutionary struggles within the home: Transformations in Syrian women’s intimate lives in exile after 2011′.



2015 Review of D. Scott, Omens of Adversity: Tragedy, Time, Memory, Justice (2014, Duke University Press), Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 21(2).

2014 Review of P. Geschiere, Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison (2013, University of Chicago Press), Social Anthropology, 58(1).


2017 ‘Résilience et résistance féminine à Idleb’ (Women’s Resilience and Resistance in Idleb), Vacarme 82, pp. 45–49.

2017 ‘Récits de Raqqa la nuit’ (Stories of Raqqa at Night), Vacarme, 79, pp. 58–63.

2017 ‘Démocratie rebelle: l’invention des conseils locaux pendant la revolution syrienne’ (Rebel Democracy: the Invention of the Local Council during the Syrian Revolution), co-author Matarmawi, T., Vacarme, 79, pp. 48–55.

2014 ‘Being a Spy or a Black Shaman in Southern Siberia: Fieldwork Among the Shors’, Anthropolitan, 9.


2024 ‘A world upside down’ 

2023 ‘Les réfugiés syriens de Turquie redoutent un transfert’.,6251 

2021 ‘Rethinking the concept of revolution through the Syrian experience: ethnographic perspective’

2021 « Repenser le concept de révolution à travers l’expérience syrienne : perspectives ethnographiques » 

2019 ‘The Tribulations and Deportations of Syrian Guests in Turkey’, with the Syrian Refugees Protection Network

2017 ‘Hope, Resilience and Uncertainty: a Day with Displaced Syrians in Southern Turkey’,

2017 ‘Loss and Everyday Life at the Syrian-Turkish Border’,

2016 ‘Loss in Times of Revolution and Exile’,

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